Being an innovative and flexible company we strive to provide our customers with the flexibility of choosing the appropriate software development partnership model to best suit their needs. We offer the following software development models:
Offshore outsourcing is the practice of hiring software development professionals in a foreign territory. The offshore delivery model is true outsourcing at a global scale, where you hire the best talent available without compromising on the quality
Some of the major advantages of the offshore delivery model are lower costs, access to a global talent pool of IT Engineers serving global clients, quick turnover in terms of project delivery due to the time difference working to client advantage and dedicated resources that directly report to you and work as per your direct instructions, add icing to the cake.
In the offshore development model, all project activities, starting with envisioning and requirement analysis through to the delivery and support stage, are done on Sukra’s premises. Customers are kept fully aware of project progress and deliverables and project updates are provided to clients regularly on a pre-arranged basis.
Sukra takes care of all issues related to labor laws and tax regulations and provides you with an all-inclusive tax structure. Clear and measurable deliverables, contractual obligations, and secure systems make sure that your data & trade secrets are never compromised.
Engaging a company situated in the same country as you are, is called onshore outsourcing. There is a substantial physical presence of the project team on your premises for a long time to offer you support. Onshore software development organizations are usually registered entities in the same country as your business interests.
Some of the major advantages include more effective collaboration and communication and the facility for physical onsite support. These advantages could however be offset by higher costs and availability of a smaller talent pool to choose from.
Sukra is capable of outsourcing onsite qualified staff with strong programming skills and business analysis skills as dictated by customer’s requirements. Sukra personnel would be able to work onsite in close collaboration with the customer staff to envision and implement all phases of software development.
In this model, the tasks are strategically assigned between the customers onsite team and Sukra’s offshore team. The onsite team provides the necessary support and solutions for business strategic issues, whereas our offshore team takes care of delivering the development services.
Tasks accomplished onsite usually encompass information gathering from business stakeholders and initial project planning to start with. Ensuring that the end customer is satisfied with the execution of the project and direct interaction with the end customer to accommodate changes are tasks which are usually taken care of onsite:
Tasks carried out at the Sukra offshore development center would typically include, understanding business specifications from onsite carry out design and development, ownership for and come up with a detailed design along with ensuring that outcomes match specifications given by the client along with continuous onsite support.
Sukra provides customers with a project quotation that describes the project scope and schedule in detail. The payment schedule for a fixed price / fixed date agreement depends on project milestones and duration. This model is recommended for middle-size projects, where the scope of the project is defined and timelines are aggressive. This is the most cost-effective outsourcing solution to take advantage of.
In this case the “full time equivalent” scheme is applied, which means that the customer is charged at a daily rate for each employee dedicated to the customer’s project. All invoices for this type of contract are accompanied by project reports. This model is recommended for middle-size and large projects which are dynamic and have fluidity. It provides the customer with maximum control over deliverables and the team which works on the project. For payment, a “full time equivalent” scheme is applied which means that an hourly rate is charged for each employee dedicated to the project. All invoices for this type of contract are accompanied by project reports.